Oh, I miss them so much. They were the best. They did a lot for me and I never got to tell them because I was far too young to even realize what was happening. Now, I'm older and I realize what they did for me. Why I loved to spend time with them so much. I wish I could remember more than what I do. I wish I could remember all the time I spent with them. How we used to go look at the wild horses. Or the times we just spent at home, together. Why can't I remember? I would really like to remember. Is there a reason? Did I block the memories because I couldn't take it? If that's the case, then what couldn't I take? If it's not, then why do I remember some things and not everything? Or others? Even the memories that I do have are fuzzy and I can barely make them out...
Maybe I'll remember someday... But for now, I'll just focus on how they loved me more than Her. How they treated me better. Of course, my teachers and friends that did not know Her loved me more because they DID NOT KNOW Her. That makes me feel better, a little.
But I don't care. I will always have them in my heart. I will always have their pictures, too.
I miss them, yes, but I am happy they are not in pain anymore.
Thank you.
I love you.
I will see you, again.
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