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I've been pretty damn good these past few days, actually. Surprising, huh? I know. I am, too. It's only because I received a message from Fruit a few days again. I was really shocked, actually. Usually, I have to send him a message or text, but he sent me one. For the first time. I was really happy to know that he hasn't forgotten about me. He asked if we could get together, soon. It seems that he's straightened everything out and wants to see me. I was so excited when he said this. But I tried to play cool by replying that it would be fun and which days my Mom has off. I checked my messages and Fruit said that Saturday would work for him... Unfortunately. my Mom informed me that I can not make any plans until after the Lady Gaga concert on August 21st. I am really bummed, now. After everything was going so perfectly. My Dad took the last of his Bar Exam tests today. My Mom and I spent the past two days together, having a fun time. I got some awesome new things with my gift cards. It was going so wonderfully and now, I can't see my crush for a month! I don't even get to talk to him that much because I don't have my phone, anymore. Sad thing is, I should of known that something was bound to mess up. Usually when things are going great, something happens. It never fails. But of course, I was stupid to believe that for once, things might actually turn out okay for once and nothing was going to mess them up...

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