
I'm no beauty queen

Yeah, I'm not beauty queen. But you know what? I don't wanna be a beauty queen. I want to be me! I'm happy with myself. Isn't that all that counts? 

anyway... I was listening to a song earlier and I realized that for as long as I've been alive and able to date, I have not had one date or boyfriend. No guy was throwing themselves at my feet, begging for a date. No guy was chasing me. No guy wanted to be with me. I've always wanted to be with them. That's not cool. 

It seems that everyone else around me has had guys interested in them or chasing them or are in a relationship. 

Now, I used to ask the question "Is there something wrong with me?" but now, I ask the question "What's wrong with the guys?" 

Sighs. I don't know what to do, anymore. I mean, I want a guy to be interested in me. I want a guy to  tell me that I'm beautiful. Someone to hold my hand when we walk down the street. Someone to hug me or just wrap their arm around me when we sit or walk. Someone to kiss me, just because they want too. You know what I mean? 

I want someone to be enchanted to meet me... 

I want someone to want to be my boyfriend... 

I could go on with more videos, but those two are the main ones that have caught my attention, recently. 

Oh, and... 

Just gotta figure out who the guy is/will be =/