Beauty of Nature
The world today is magical
With scenes unseen
Majestic mountains uncared for
Magical miracles not witnessed
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
Raindrops are like tears
That the earth sheds
Because we don’t care
About it’s breathtaking splendors
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
A storm rages above the ocean
Waves crashing down on the shore
Mad that no one takes a moment
To realize it’s true meaning
Only thinking it’s a guaranteed death
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
The clouds roll over the sun
Trying to get us to look up
At their intricate designs
Of little puppies or fire breathing dragons
We think they’re silly little floating
Cotton balls that make storms
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
The stars twinkle at night
Hoping to get a compliment
On how shine just for us
Or how they light up the darkest
Of nights, even though they’re
Trillions of miles away
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
The animals scream at us
To stop with our greediness
And obsession with money
For just a moment
To look at the Earth’s magnificence
To give thanks to the heavens
For letting us live here in our gorgeous world
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
The wind roars at us to look
At the swaying plants
That nourishes us when we’re hungry,
Cure us when we’re sick,
Shade us on a hot day,
Protect us from prying eyes,
And ease our pain when it’s to much to bare
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
The world is full of
Enchanting scenes and fairy-tale pictures
Of what brings joy and happiness
That lights up our darkened hearts
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
The world is truly mind-blowing
When we take the time to look at it
Or when we are to busy with money
No matter what we are doing
Our world, our Earth, will always
Have those outstandingly beautiful
Scenes, where the sun shines on a
Snow capped mountain, just right,
Illuminating the iridescent color
Of the pearl white snow atop a purple mountain
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
We may not always witness
These truly astounding scenes
Of a setting sun descending beneath
The ocean as clear blue waves crash
Down on the smooth beach, singing
A sweet lullaby for the sleeping world
Or a sunrise, slowing ascending above
A forest of lush green trees
Swaying softly in the morning breeze,
Singing to the awakening world
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
There are a select few
That are truly the lucky ones
Which get to behold a spectacular scene
Of our breathtakingly beautiful world
In which we live, without knowing
How genuinely wonderful our world is
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
We need to keep the beauty
Make it last forever
So, take many pictures and treat
The world like it needs to be treated
Preserve the world of today for tomorrow
People will look,
But won’t see
The true beauty
Of our world
Forever and a Day
And a
I’ll always be here
To help you through
The pain and happiness
Life dishes out
And a
I’ll be by your side
Helping you fight
The endless fight
Between you and life
And a
I’ll hold your hand
To guide you
Through the maze
Of your emotions
And a
I’ll carry you
Through the rough patches
When you can no longer
Walk on your own
And a
I’ll keep you warm
From the coldness
Of the world
Around us
And a
I’ll be your light
When your world
Goes black
From things unseen
And a
I’ll love you
No matter what
As a friend
And more
And a
Are You
Are you some kind of wizard
Casting a spell on me to love you
Did you mean too
Are you some kind of potion master
Did you slip me a love potion
Do you want my love
Are you some kind of voodoo master
Do you have a doll of me on your shelf
Did you plan this
Are you some kind of instrumentalist
Playing with the strings of my heart
Do you know what you’ve been playing
Are you a love doctor
Cutting out my heart for keeps
Did you really want it
Are you something I’ve never heard of
Working your magic on my mind, soul, and heart
Do you understand what you’re doing to me
Are you innocent of all this
Not knowing what you’ve done
Did you know that I was falling for you
Are you just an innocent bystander
Watching, not knowing, that I’m falling deeper in love with you
Do you reject me and my feelings
Make Me Cry
I see you standing there
It’s like you actually care
I see the look on your face
It’s like you think you’re in place
Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever
I feel your arms around me
It’s like you want to be
I feel your breath on my ear
It’s like you want to be here
Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever
I look in your eyes
It’s like you have no lies
I look at your smile
It’s like you’re gunna stay for a while
Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever
I hear your heart beating in time with mine
It’s like you wanted to cross the line
I hear your sweet voice whispering comforting words
It’s like you’re making me fly like the birds
Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever
I feel your hand wiping my tears
It’s like you want to rid me of my fears
I feel your lips on my lips
It’s like you’re staying and not gunna give me the slip
Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever
Losing Someone Special
I know it’s hard to
Lose that special someone
I know you wish to
Cry and be sad
But they’re going where…
They’ll have fresher air
They’ll have green fields
They’ll have every flower imaginable
They’ll have everything they need
They’ll have their own loved ones
That they lost long ago
Most of all they’ll have no pain
Don’t forget to…
Remember the happy times you had together
Remember their smiling faces
Remember they helped you through
The rough and easy times
Remember they were there for you
Remember what you had with them
Instead of what you don’t have without them
Remember they love you
And always will
Remember where they are now
Remember who’s taking care of them now
Until you join them
Remember you’ll see them again
Remember it’s not good-bye, but
A see you later
Remember they would want
You to be happy not sad
Remember everything,
And forget nothing
Remember that they aren’t gone
They’re in your heart forever
Love and Pain
It sucks when you have to choose
Between love and pain
It’s a hard to make that choice
You want to be with your love
You don’t want the pain though
You can’t tell your happiness is better
You hesitate to feel pain
You hesitate to love
Sometimes you need to hurt to love
Without pain there is no love
Without love there is no pain
You can’t have one and not the other
You need to feel pain to know you’re alive
You need love to feel better when you’re down
You have love and pain will soon be there
To live free don’t be afraid of love and pain
You can’t truly live without them
Always take a chance with love and pain
Never give up on love or pain
Love Her
She’s slowly slipping away from you
So, reach out and wrap your arms around her
Pull her close, refuse to let her go
Tell her you need her by your side
You know if you let her slip away
You’ll never get her back again
She’ll be so far out of your reach
And you’ll regret letting her slip away
If you care for her at all
You won’t let her go
You’ll tell her how you feel
You’ll never regret telling her
You never tell her, you’ll never forgive yourself
You let her slip, you won’t be the one to catch her
You tell her, you’ll be happy you did
When she starts slipping again
Pull her close and whisper those words
Refuse to loosen your grip ever
Make sure she knows what she means to you
When I have something to say
I think it’s not important enough
To share with anyone
When someone has something to say
I think it’s important enough
To share with everyone
I put myself down
Thinking I’m lower
Than everyone else
Everyone else is better than me
In everything and anything
They’re worthy of everything
I can’t be loved or liked
As more than a friend
Or play thing
Everyone can be loved
As more than a friend
Never a play thing
My opinions don’t matter
Nor do my feelings
Nothing of me matters
Everyone’s opinions matter
They’re feelings are worth knowing
Everything of them matters
I’m a nothing
A no one
Nothing worthy of anything
Everyone else is something
A someone A something very worthy of all
Untitled (This one I wrote for my best guy friend)
I haven’t known you long,
but I’ve known you long enough
to know when something’s wrong,
when you need someone to listen,
or when you’ve given up
I’ve been there for you
long enough to know
what to do or what to say
when to hush or when to talk
how to make you happy or how to make you upset
I’ve tried my hardest
to be the one
you know you can trust
with all you have
I try to
pick you up when you fall
keep you warm from the cold world
lend you a hand when needed
guide you when you’re lost
be there when you think no one is
If you walk away
I’ll be right behind you
If you turn away
I’ll be everywhere
If you leave
I’ll be wondering where you went
If you get lost
I’ll be right there with you
I’m here until the end (I’ll)
Fighting for you (Be)
Defending you (Your)
Protecting you (Shield)
Helping you (From)
Cheering for you (It)
Keeping you warm (All)
Loving you (Forever)
Perfect Boyfriend
How to describe such a perfect boyfriend?
He’s sweet, but not too sweet
He’s kind, but not that kind
He’s protective, but not overly protective
He’s cool, but not too cool
He’s there when you need him
He’s always watching out for you
He’ll help when he can
He’ll carry you when you can’t walk
He’ll stitch you up when you’re cut
When you need someone to talk to
He’ll be listening
When you’re lost and can’t find your way
He’ll guide you home
When you’re lonely and need company
He’ll sit with you
When you need comfort
He’ll hold you
When you think about killing yourself
He’ll talk you out of it
When your heart is broken
He’ll put the pieces back together
When you get attacked by someone
He’ll kick their a$$
When you need to be cheered up
He’ll make you laugh
When you feel like you’re falling
He’ll be there to catch you
When life gets harder
He’ll make it easier
When you need protection
He’ll be your shield
When you’re caught in the rain
He’ll be your umbrella
How to describe such a perfect boyfriend?
He’s a little bit of everything
He’s everything you need.
My wings shall disappear
When I shed this tear
I shall not stand tall
While I take this fall
My life is clearer
As my death comes nearer
No one can catch me
So, let me be
I shall die
That is no lie
So let me go peacefully
And we shall see
Each other again
I feel like I’m falling
I’m leaving the light
I’ve got no one to be my hero
I’m falling so far
No one knows it
No one notices my pain
No one sees the silent tears
No one knows I shed them
I wish to die and leave it all behind
I’ve lost my way
I’ll never find it again
I’ve fallen so far I can’t be saved
My heart has lost it’s love for things
It’s become hollow and aches for affection
It can’t see the light, only darkness
It absorbs darkness everyday, never releasing it
No one cares enough to notice the light leaving
No one will worry if I disappear
No one will grieve if I leave this planet forever
No one will see the tears I shed
I’m so sad
I feel wetness on my cheeks
What is this wetness?
I’m so mad
I feel the wetness again
What is it?
I’m so broken
I feel it again
I wonder what it is
I’m slipping away
I don’t feel the familiar wetness
Where is it?
I’m a hollow nothing
Again the wetness is gone
Why isn’t it here?
I’m gone forever
I feel the wetness again
Why now?
Why Is It
Why is it
I love, but never loved back?
Why is it
I fall, but never caught?
Why is it
I’m lost, but never found?
Why is it
I give help, but never get help?
Why is it
I listen, but never listened to?
Why is it
I support, but never supported?
Why is it
I leave, but never missed?
Why is it
I look, but never looked at?
Why is it
I laugh, but never laughed with?
Why is it
I care, but never cared for?
Day by Day
Day by day
Life passes us by
We’re too caught up
In ourselves to have fun
Day by day
We take everything for granted
We never take time
To admire nature
Day by day
Out planet gets weaker
From our polluting businesses
And selfishness
Day by day
Our happiness flies out the window
From the greediness
That plagues our hearts
Day by day
Life passes us by
We’re too caught up
In ourselves to have fun
My Teenage Feelings
You love to tell me
How I feel
You say you know
What I’m going through
I’m not like you
Different time
Different feelings
Different people
I’m up
I’m down
I’m all around
I want to live
I want to die
I want to laugh
I want to cry
I want to be alone
I want company
Let me live
I want to be free
I want to run
I want to stay
I want to sleep
I want to play
I want to be me
I want normalcy
Give me space
Give me time
Stop telling me
How I feel
Let me be me
Let me decide
For myself
I’m a teenager
Let me be one!
Dark Silence
When I lay down at night
I silently cry myself to sleep
I feel so alone
I need to talk to someone,
But no one’s there to listen
I feel so small
In this huge world we call our own
I never let my tears fall
When anyone’s around
I know you’re right
When you say I can’t do nothing right
Or I can’t be trusted to do anything
But I still cry at night
Even when you want to turn back time
It’s all said and out there
Why don’t you just shout it out to the world
No matter what you say or do now
I’ll still cry myself to sleep
I’ll still need someone to talk too
And still no one will be there
Don’t feel bad
Don’t feel pity
Try not to care
About me
Care about someone
Worth your feelings
I’m not, never was, worthy
Of anyone’s love
Don’t feel bad
Don’t feel pity
Try not to care
About me
I’ve been preparing for
This pain, since I fell
Don’t blame yourself
I knew it would happen
Don’t feel bad
Don’t feel pity
Try not to care
About me
I was right, too
I’m a nothing,
No one should love
Don’t feel bad
Don’t feel pity
Try not to care
About me
I don’t hate you
I hate me
I hate everything
About me
Don’t feel bad
Don’t feel pity
Try not to care
About me
Care about something
That actually matters
That’s actually worth it
That’s a something
Instead of a nothing
Like me
Don't feel bad
Don't feel pity
Try not to care
About me
Let me know what you think! And if I should add more poems or not. =) I would LOVE to get some feedback on my poetry.
I took out some of the poems because I was unhappy with them. They were not some of my best f=works =/
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