
Today (Again)

Yeah. I'm starting to think that I write on here far too much, but I can't help it. I need to write to get my thoughts out. Otherwise, I feel restricted or something. I don't know. I just need to write my thoughts to clear my head. Even if it's not exactly my 'thoughts', just writing about what I did during the day helps.


Today, I played my first ever softball game with my friend and the people from her church. It was great. I made it to first base and hit a couple balls. I'm proud of myself. I did pretty good for my first game!
After the game, my friend and her two friends and I went to DQ for a while. It was fun! They are HILARIOUS!! I just wish that I knew them a little better. I hate feeling so left out and stuff. It sucks =/ Though, I was laughing with them and everything. It was not so bad.

I'm currently IMing with King... He is asking questions that I have long since stopped asking myself.
Questions like: Who am I exactly? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to do?
I don't really ask myself these questions anymore because I can't find the answers. So. Now. I just live life and let it unfold... Granted. My love life is really not that good at the moment. Then again. I am 17 years old and I probably shouldn't have a "love life", but whatever. I have a "like life". Haha. Either way. It BITES big time! I don't care. I just want to live and let things fall out how they should/want. It's easier than killing myself over some questions that I probably won't have an answer for, ever. I highly doubt that anyone will truly know the answer to those questions. They may think they know the answer, but they could be wrong... Right?

Ahhhh... How I love the deep conversations between King and I. <3

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