So. I'm sitting here at the computer. Serendipity is playing on the DVD player. It's fairly quiet except for the cars outside, the keys of the keyboard, and a computer mouse clicking.
I was supposed to go to the movies last Thursday with my friend/crush. Sadly. He claimed to have car problems. He didn't make it down. I believed him, but my parents doubted him. Mostly because of what happened a few months ago with this other guy. I'll call that the J incident. The J stands for jerk.
So, what happened was, I was supposed to meet this guy for a movie. We had set up previous "dates" to get together, but something got in the way. We texted a lot and such. But anyways. I get to the theater only to find that he was not there. I texted him a couple times. Finally. He texted back claiming that he thought it was later in the afternoon. I found out from my friend that the guy told her that he overslept... I have not talked to him since. He has not made an effort to talk to me.
I guess I wasn't that important afterall. Even after he said that he liked me a lot and wanted to date me. There was a lot said between us before the incident.
My parents did warn me, but I did not listen. Now, they believe that the new guy is just like the other guy. Who knows. Maybe he is. Hopefully, I made a right choice for once. I would hate to have another jerk enter my life. I've had three of them and that's enough for me.
So. I have to ask.
Is something wrong with me? Why do I keep attracting the jerks?
Wasn't the first one enough? Did I do something in a past life for me to only meet jerks? It's not cool.
I'll type up more when I have the chance and feel like it.
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