
What's the worst thing you can hear from someone? (Well, one of them at least)

"We need to talk." That's one of the many worst things you could hear from someone... And I got a message that said that. I was like "oh shit. what have i done? is he upset with me? wait, what did i do that could possibly upset him? i just know it's bad, but i just don't know what it is! gah! what the hell have i done, now?!" Yeah. That was yesterday, I believe. Been waiting for him to get on so that I can finally know what this is about. He said that we needed to talk, as friends. That can't be good, can it? I don't know what I've done that could upset him or anything... Did I say something that I had no idea would upset him? Or does he just want to straighten something out? If that's the case, what needs to be straightened out? Am I blowing this way out of proportion? Seriously. It's been eating at me ever since I saw the email... I'm sure he's busy or something, but still! Don't keep me waiting for too long, please. I can't take it! I may go insane or something.

(Yes, this is a short post. Sorry >_< ) 

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